
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gods and Titans Cont.

The main idea of the Gods and Titans post was to discuss the experience with reading these books and playing God Of War games. Instead it kinda turned into a Percy Jackson book review hehe. I'm not one to shy away from the thoughts in my mind, so I just typed them up. But I'll cover that experience in this post.

For starters, You could say I'm very new to the PlayStation 3. How is that good? Well the greatest games that have some to the console, are at a lower price now. So I bought Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Batman Arkham Asylum and the GoW Collection, for less than $30 each. I love buying online, not paying taxes or shipping. Other games I played in the ps3 were Star Wars Force Unleashed and Demon's Souls.

But back to the task at hand. So I've been reading the Percy Jackson series, and playing GoW 1 at the same time. I'm getting more than my daily value for Gods and Titans each day. I'm not gonna review the game itself, since anyway who knows the game knows it's one of the bests. I'm really just playing it to see the story of the first two games so I can play the third, which I already have. Same reason I bought Uncharted: Drake's Fortune first, but plan to buy the second soon enough.

I won't spoil the book, but I will talk about the game, since it's pretty old, it would be like talking of the first Harry Potter book, if you haven't played it you're pretty far behind, as am I. Keep in mind, that while I'm reading the Percy books, I'm playing in a world that has the same Gods and Titans. In the game, you're playing Kratos, a Spartan Captain who sold his soul to Ares in order to win battles. Now the Gods are helping him kill Ares ... but why ... I still haven't finished it, so maybe 2 games later I'll find out. The Gods are the same on both stories, of course. Hearing different stories for each is sort of confusing and interesting. For example Kronos is a Titan that's condemned by the Gods to walk the desert with Pandora's Temple in his back. In the books, he's a Titan that's plotting to take over Olympus, or destroy it rather. So different time line maybe? Will he end up condemned by the Gods(again) and carrying Pandora's Temple on his back? I highly doubt it, but it gets my mind running, and I love that!

Can't wait to see what else I can find to enjoy while reading and playing these stories.

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